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watch.source.namePublicado por ILoveAnime890 en reddit.com

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watch.source.namePublicado por ILoveAnime890 en reddit.com

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Good evening r/watchexchange I have for sale and or trade a seiko model sne567 prospex. I am more looking to trade for a seiko srp777/e93 in decent or new condition. However I will take $300 usd paypal. Price doesn't include shipping and I will be using ups. I'm certainly not in a hurry to trade/sale so I will leave this up for a week or so probably until Feb 10th. I have the original box and warranty card, though it isn't filled out. I also have the original strap and a olive green nato strap. I will ship it with the oem strap but if you'd like I will also throw the nato strap in with the price. Thanks. [timestamp](https://imgur.com/svyDD8j) [seiko sne567 retail](https://seikousa.com/products/sne567?variant=32721737023567&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8NKtBhBtEiwAq5aX2PtnYiQ8Ypf5amdbM01xDKlXFyzs054BX7rH0R2rnpodh25kAsaiTxoCJscQAvD_BwE)

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