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- Fondée en: 1992
- Origine:
- Junkers Site Internet
Quality watches - Willi Birk established with this goal the company POINTtec more than 25 years ago – a family business that makes about 100,000 watches a year. Read more here: www.pointtec.de/profile/
Willi Birk proved his great flair with the choice of Zeppelin and Junkers brands due to the fact that customers then and now are interested in quality, sustainability and in distinctive, timeless design. The two pioneers Graf Zeppelin and Professor Junkers were involved in aviation from its very beginning in Germany. POINTtec successfully implements in their watches the characteristics of aviation – excellent engineering, reliability and distinctive design.
The popular Bauhaus series come perfectly in-line with the assortment. The Bauhaus movement can be seen as a significant part of the transition from industrialization to modernity in the history of art, culture and architecture. Bauhaus' artists - or masters, as they called themselves, worked closely with engineers from Junkers manufacturing and a fruitful symbiosis was build. Read more about Junkers and Bauhaus on Junkers History.
All components for the watches are made by special manufacturers, they come from prestigious manufacturers in Switzerland, as well as a well-known producer in Japan (Miyota). The final assembly of the watches is done according to the rules of German traditional watchmaking.