Up for sale are two gently used straight end beads of rice bracelets. First it's the 17mm forstner 7 row beads MSRP: 132. Asking $60 shipped With original packaging and full link Here is officially specs: https://forstnerbands.com/products/the-forstner-beads-of-rice 2nd one is the 18mm Straphabit quick release BOR TQ18 Q Timex Replacement Beads of Rice Quick Release Watch Bracelets. MSRP $49. I'm just asking $25 shipped. Also throwing in a diver extension clasp along with it. Product Link: https://straphabit.com/products/tq18-q-timex-replacement-beads-of-rice-quick-release-watch-bracelets Shipping is included within CONUS. if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them up